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Digital India Land Record modernisation programme

Digital India Land Record modernisation programme

The Land Reforms (LR) Division was implementing two Centrally Sponsored Schemes viz.: Computerisation of Land Records (CLR) & Strengthening of Revenue Administration and Updating of Land Records (SRA&ULR). Later on 21.8.2008, the Cabinet approved merger of these schemes into a modified Scheme named Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP).


The main aims of DILRMP are to usher in a system of updated land records, automated and automatic mutation, integration between textual and spatial records, inter-connectivity between revenue and registration, to replace the present deeds registration and presumptive title system with that of conclusive titling with title guarantee.


The DILRMP has 3 major components

  • Computerization of land record
  • Survey/re-survey
  • Computerization of Registration.

Programme implementation

The State Governments/UT Administrations will implement the programme with financial and technical supports from the Dept. of Land Resources, Government of India. The district will be taken as the unit of implementation, where all activities under the programme will converge.

Benefits to citizens

The citizen is expected to benefit from DILRMP in one or more of the following ways;

  • Real-time land ownership records will be available to the citizen
  • Since the records will be placed on the websites with proper security IDs, property owners will have free access to their records without any compromise in regard to confidentiality of the information
  • Free accessibility to the records will reduce interface between the citizen and the Government functionaries, thereby reducing rent seeking and harassment.
  • Public-private partnership (PPP) mode of service delivery will further reduce citizen interface with Govt. machinery, while adding to the convenience
  • Abolition of stamp papers and payment of stamp duty and registration fees through banks, etc. will also reduce interface with the Registration machinery
  • With the use of IT inter linkages; the time for obtaining RoRs, etc. will be drastically reduced
  • The single-window service or the web-enabled “anytime-anywhere” access will save the citizen time and effort in obtaining RoRs, etc.
  • Automatic and automated mutations will significantly reduce the scope of fraudulent property deals
  • Conclusive titling will also significantly reduce litigation
  • These records will be tamper-proof
  • This method will permit e-linkages to credit facilities
  • Market value information will be available on the website to the citizen
  • Certificates based on land data (e.g., domicile, caste, income, etc.) will be available to the citizen through computers
  • Information on eligibility for Government programs will be available, based on the data
  • Issuance of land passbooks with relevant information will be facilitated

Source: Department of Land Resources, Ministry of Rural Development

അവസാനം പരിഷ്കരിച്ചത് : 2/21/2020

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